About the Project

Program Management Team and Partners

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) will act as joint lead agencies on the Chicago to St. Louis High-Speed Rail project.  FRA and IDOT are the ultimate decision makers for this project.

Illinois Department of Transportation

IDOT has responsibility for planning, construction and maintenance of Illinois' extensive transportation network, which encompasses, highways and bridges, airports, public transit, rail freight and rail passenger systems . IDOT Office of Intermodal Project Implementation administers rail service programs that supplement rail passenger service provided by Amtrak's national system and preserve rail freight service. The Bureau of Railroads is leading the overall project management for the development and implementation of Chicago to St. Louis High-Speed Rail service.  http://www.idot.illinois.gov/

Federal Railroad Administration

The FRA's purpose is to promulgate and enforce rail safety regulations, administer railroad assistance programs, conduct research and development in support of improved railroad safety and national rail transportation policy, provide for the rehabilitation of Northeast Corridor rail passenger service, and consolidate government support of rail transportation activities. The FRA has placed a new emphasis on building high-speed and intercity passenger rail to connect communities and economic centers across the country. Implementing high-speed and intercity passenger rail projects and programs will serve as a catalyst to promote economic expansion (including new manufacturing jobs), create new choices for travelers in addition to flying or driving, reduce national dependence on oil, and foster livable urban and rural communities. www.fra.dot.gov


A program management team lead by WSP has been supporting IDOT in the development, design, public involvement, and implementation of the new high-speed rail service.  WSP provides a full range of engineering, consulting, planning, program management, construction management services for award-winning highways, tunnels, bridges, transit systems, power facilities, airports, and marine facilities, as well as buildings and site developments.  WSP has recently worked with IDOT to advance the high-speed rail program for Illinois. In the fall of 2009, WSP prepared and submitted multiple high-speed and intercity passenger rail grant applications to the FRA on behalf of IDOT. The WSP Team includes a unique team of sub-consultants including, American Surveying & Engineering, P.C. (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)), CivCon Services Inc. (DBE), Huff & Huff, Inc., Images, Inc. (DBE), Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (DBE), Mathewson Right of Way Company, Midwest Archaeological Research Services, Inc. (DBE), Michael Williamsen, Millhouse Engineering & Construction, Inc. (DBE), Muller + Muller, Ltd. (DBE), Quandel Consultants, LLC, Steer Davies Gleave, and Winzler & Kelly. www.wsp.com

Additional Project Partners

  • Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR)—Owner of the track (right-of-way) and operates rail freight services on the corridor
  • Amtrak—Service operator on the corridor and connecting routes
  • Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC)
  • Other host railroads on the corridor—Canadian National Railway (CN), Kansas City Southern (KCS), and Terminal Railroad Association (TRRA)
  • Key representatives for communities and cities along the corridor
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